"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." -Friedrich Nietzsche.

Friday 29 January 2010

No News.

If you're reading, don't prepare yourself for any life-changing literacy here. The whole point of this is that I may vent my less positive feelings, thoughts, emotions. There is not much in my life really that gives me a reason to be sad, depressed, negative or angry... I do have a wonderful lad, I start uni soon, I have a job which pays my half of the rent and I have some good friends. However, a lot of the time I feel empty. I realise that a good number of people probably have the same thing going on, drowning in their lives' adequacy and normalcy. The mundane rut of comfortable domesticity that keeps us safe... and insane.

Most of my spare time is spent sleeping, or reading, or half-finishing crosswords, or eating, when we have enough snacky shit in the cupboard. I go out every now and again, less frequently now that money is tight. But I enjoyed it. Seedy bars and clubs in this bogan paradise. Boganville. Boganston.

Bogansville sounds better.

The smell of bodies and cheap cologne, vodka and beer. LCD screens playing smut off late-night Foxtel. The karaoke machine and the worn pool table. Sleepy drunken ageing spooks whom everyone avoids and end up getting gently ushered out by bouncers at around eleven to wander the streets and chuck empty bottles they find at passer-by skanks.

So, I'm the kind of person who feels at home in places like that. It's nice to sit and have a drink, do some drawings, talk some shit. When you don't have much else to do, it's a very nice fucking break.

I seem to get more angry these days, and at things that hadn't really bothered me before. Something on the news - a teenager raping an octogenarian grandmother, a reporter raping humanitarian crises for their own personal career advancement. Christian fundamentalists with their hate-spewing websites and inane, ignorant YouTube videos. Repetitive nightmares. Customers who come into work and are rude and think that just because myself and the others work in retail, we must be idiots, and that they know our jobs better than we do. Ahck, I'm just having a sook. But all these things bring me down. So they're probably important.

I don't have any kind of plan for what I'll be saying on this blog. I've never believed in planning anything, who knows what could change, or what could happen. Things will come out as they come out.

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